Pastor David started his music ministry as a teenager when he asked his youth leader if he could bring his small keyboard to youth group and lead in a couple of songs each week. In 11th grade and into college he began playing piano for a very small church on Sunday mornings. Then he stopped.
The summer before his senior year in college, God tugged at his heart on a Sunday that He wanted David to do more for Him. That Wednesday he interviewed for the music ministry position at a church in Saint George, SC, and the next Wednesday he became part of their staff. He served there for 7 years before moving to Wake Forest, NC, to pursue a Masters degree at Southeastern Seminary. He served part time at a church in Zebulon for two years before discovering a full-time ministry (for the sake of his family!) at Gorman.
David graduated from Charleston Southern University in Charleston, SC, with a BA in Music Education, and from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Masters of Church Music. His family (wife and three children) have been at Gorman since 2013.