Love Lives On Family Conference
Gorman Baptist Church

October 19, 2024
8:30-11:30 AM

Registration: 8:30-9:00 with Continental Breakfast

(Childcare not provided)

Register Here
Love Lives On is a family conference about pregnancy and infant loss.

Our mission is to equip the church and assist families with resources and healing through one of life’s most difficult circumstances.  

A keynote speaker and panel of medical professionals and counselors will be available to share resources and answer questions, and provide families with opportunities to experience healing and restoration. 

Her PLAN (Pregnancy & Life Assistance Network) is partnering with Gorman Baptist Church to offer families an opportunity to focus on the physical, spiritual, and mental well-being of mothers, fathers, and families. If you’ve never sought out counseling for the medical and mental experience of pregnancy and infant loss, this is a wonderful place to find hope.