Between Men's Breakfasts and Men's Bible Studies, you'll find good fellowship with godly men.


 GBC Men's Ministry is designed to provide men with the opportunity to be participate in a variety of men's activities and functions.  These include monthly breakfast meetings from September through May, church work activities involving maintenance, repairs and special projects and the development of relationships among the men of the church.  Opportunities to participate in off-site activities such as men's conferences and outdoor activities are also offered periodically.  Men of all ages are encouraged to participate and welcomed. 

Men's Breakfasts
Monthly men's get-together

Come to the church monthly (usually the 2nd Saturday) for some breakfast and a men's message.

Building Ramps
Helping those with limited mobility

The Men's Ministry helps those coming back from rehab or who are having trouble getting up their steps by showing the love of Christ and offering to build a ramp for them.

Bible Study

At times the men's ministry will offer a weekly Bible Study for digging deeper into the Word, for accountability, and for encouraging each other to be strong men for God.